TMI Tuesday – If, Ands, and Butts

1. If you had a magic beauty wand, what would you give yourself?
a. Shinier hair, hands down.
b. Glowing, soft skin–pass the moisturizer dude.
c. Brighter eyes, with no crows feet—I want to look less tired.
d. Nada. I love what I’ve got.
I’m plugging for d. I’m not perfect by any means, and there are bits of me that I like more and bits of me I like less, but it’s all me and, most importantly, Master C likes every single bit.

2. If you were spring cleaning your life what five things would you throw out?
Believe it or not, I’m quite socially awkward (about the only social interaction I’m good at is asking random men if they’d like a fuck or have their cock sucked), so I’d definitely like to get rid of that and be a little more relaxed in social settings. I would also like to be a lot less indecisive. I am generally quite a confident person, but a simple “Would you rather…?” can leave me paralysed with indecision on occasion. I’d also really love not to have the frequent pains from where I broke my collar bone falling out of a tree when I was about 7. I would also like (and Master C would love it, I’m certain) if I weren’t as messy and untidy (although some messiness is definitely good). I am an Olympic class mess maker, which explains why I hate filing so much. What I really, really want to bin at the moment though, is lockdown and all the restrictions on human interactions that go with it. If I had to pick only one of these things, that would be the one I would choose.

3. If money were no object, what kind of house would you buy?
The house we live in is pretty much perfect; it’s detached and the garden is private and, in the summer, catches the sun in the evening. I spend a lot of time (well, as much as the Scottish weather permits) lounging around in that garden in full Eve before the fall mode. If money and COVID were no object, somewhere on the Mediterranean or Aegean coast where we could spend our winters would make a lovely alternative to a Scottish winter (at the time of typing this, we currently have about 20cm of snow and it’s still falling).

4. Have you ever visited an erotic massage parlour AND had a “happy ending”?
I’ve never been to a massage parlour, but I have visited Swingers’ clubs where I have provided and been provided with many “happy endings”.

BONUS: Using the handy chart, what is your butt type, spanked or not?

Different shapes of backsides
Mine is very much the “Standard Issue”, both in it’s spanked/thrashed and unspanked guises. It has been compliment in both states by a number of admirers and partners down the years. So long as it provides me with something to sit on, I’m happy with it.

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2 thoughts on “TMI Tuesday – If, Ands, and Butts

    • Mòrag February 10, 2021 / 10:52

      A good time was had by all… 😉


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